January 12, 2021- Nureva Console release notes

Windows 10 - version 1.2.153465
Last Updated: February 11th, 2021

Security update

This release contains a critical security update for Nureva Console client. Nureva recommends that all customers install this update as soon as possible.

New Features

24 Hour Clock support for HDL200 system

HDL200 systems now feature a 24-hour clock.  This feature is managed through Nureva Console (client and cloud) and is found under the Device settings menu.  Users are able to choose a 12-hour or 24-hour clock format.

Known issues

Firmware failed message when updating firmware with Nureva Console cloud

When launching a firmware update through Nureva Console cloud, users may see a brief message advising that the firmware update has failed. The display will revert back to the update progress shortly after this message is displayed. The update is proceeding normally in this situation, so no action is required. If the Firmware Update Failed message persists, then the update has actually failed.

Last updated: January 12, 2021

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